Describe the actual or potential ethical dilemma or legal situation

Describe the actual or potential ethical dilemma or legal situation

2 page paper on the ethical side of refusal of treatment. APA format, following these guidelines. Describe the patient scenario, (the scenario is a mother who refuses treatment for her newborn baby, even when its in the best interest of the baby) with background information, which is leading to an ethical dilemma or legal situation 2. Describe the actual or potential ethical dilemma or legal situation 3. If you have chosen to write about an ethical situation, cite and describe the related portion of the Code of Ethics for Nurses, available to view at If you have chosen to write about a legal situation, cite and describe the related law from your state board of nursing. 4. Explain the potential solutions for the ethical dilemma or legal situation, with potential consequences for each solution 5. Describe the actions you would take as the nurse, the rationale, and the potential consequences of these actions Follow APA format in writing your paper.