Describe three Pay for performance initiatives that you believe have been successful.

Describe three Pay for performance initiatives that you believe have been successful.

10 pages double spaces NOT including references Pay for performance has focused on incenting providers of care and health plans. Describe three initiatives that you believe have been successful. In addition, a “neglected” element of these pay for performance programs is the consumer. Describe the state of consumer initiatives to improve the quality of health care and what incentives you believe we should implement in the future to contribute to these aims. Three references from below, and two outside (APA format): Damber, CL et. al. Taking Stock of Pay for Performance: A Candid Assessment from the Front Lines. Health Affairs 28 (2), 2009; 517-25. DeBrantes, F, D’Andrea, G, and Rosenthal, MB. Should Health Care Come with a Warranty? Health Affairs 28 (4), 2009; w678-87. Jha, AK et. al. The Long Term Effect of Premier Pay for Performance on Patient Outcomes. NEJM 366 (17) 2012; 1606-15. Lester, H et. al. The Impact of Removing Financial Incentives from Clinical Quality Indicators: Longitudinal Analysis of Four Kaiser Permanente Indicators. BMJ 2010 (340) 2010; 1-5. Mehrotra, A et. al. The Response of Physician Groups to P4P Incentives. The American Journal of Managed Care 13 (5), 2007; 249-55. Rosenthal, MB et. al. Early Experience with Pay for Performance: From Concept to Practice. JAMA 294 (14), 2005; 1788-93. Rosenthal, MB et. al. Pay for Performance in Commercial HMOs. NEJM 355 (18), 2006; 1895-1902. Rosenthal, MB et. al. Paying for Quality: Providers’ Incentives for Quality Improvement. Health Affairs 23 (2), 2004; 127-41. Smith D and York, N. Quality Incentives: The Case of UK General Practitioners. Health Affairs 23 (3), 2004; 112-18. Optional. Werner, RM and Asch, DA. The Unintended Consequences of Publicly Reporting Quality Information. JAMA 293 (10), 2005; 1239-44. Zirui-Song, BA et. al. Health Care Spending and Quality in Year 1 of the Alternative Quality Contract. NEJM 365 (10), 2011; 909-18.