Describe what “satisfaction” means and how this concept is to be measured
Describe what “satisfaction” means and how this concept is to be measured.
You may wish to use some of the following suggested references:-
1.Westbrook, R.A. (1981), “Sources of Satisfaction with Retail Outlets”, Journal of Retailing, 57(fall), 68-85.
2.Ruyter, K. & Bloemer, J. (1999), “Customer Loyalty in Extended Service Settings: The Interaction Between Satisfaction, Value Attainment and Positive Mood”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 10(3), 320-336.
3.Parasuraman, A, Zeithaml, V.A. & Berry L.L. (1991), “Refinement and Reassessment of the SERVQUAL Scale”, Journal of Retailing, 67(4), 420-450.
4.Chadee, D.D. & Mattsson, J. (1996), “An Empirical Assessment of Customer Satisfaction in Tourism”, The Service Industries Journal, 16(3), 305-320.
Recommended approx. 1000 – 1200 words