Description of the current health care administration leadership issue selected

Description of the current health care administration leadership issue selected

See Discussion inst.docx for instructions. The Scholar-Practitioner in Health Care Administration Leadership As you embark on the next phase of your journey as a scholar-practitioner in the health care administration program, consider some of the topics and current events addressed in the course by your colleagues. As a future leader in health care administration, how might you work to ensure individuals are afforded the right to be well led and well managed? Additionally, through your work in understanding a value in systems thinking, how might you ensure its proper representation for solutions to health care administration problems? For this Discussion, select a health care administration leadership issue that interests you as a possible research topic for a dissertation. Additionally, think about how your work completed in this course may assist you in your dissertation and future career as a leader in health care administration. Post by Day 3 a brief description of the current health care administration leadership issue you selected and explain why that issue interests you. Then, explain two ways the information you gathered in this course can be applied to your future dissertation research or to your role as a scholar-practitioner. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. **** TOPIC — Improving Patient Care through Technology Continue the Discussion by Day 5 and provide a substantive reply to your colleagues in one or more of the following ways: • Expand on the colleague’s posting with additional insight and resources. • Offer polite disagreement or critique, supported with evidence. In addition, you may also respond as follows: • Offer and support an opinion. • Validate an idea with your own experience. • Make a suggestion or comment that guides or facilitates the discussion. Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and the current literature. References • Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. o Chapter 1, “Definition and Significance of Leadership” (pp. 2–21) o Chapter 6, “Current Era in Leadership” (pp. 178–201) o Chapter 7, “Other Leadership Perspectives” (pp. 211–236) o Chapter 9, “Leading Change” (pp. 278–300) o Chapter 10, “Developing Leaders” (pp. 310–332) • Anderson, M. M., & Garman, A. N. (2014). Leadership development in healthcare systems: Toward an evidence-based approach. Retrieved from Used with permission from the National Center for Healthcare Leadership, 1700 W. Van Buren, Suite 126B, Chicago, IL, 60612, USA. Phone: 312-563-6630; FAX: 312-563-6631. Anderson, M.; Garman, A., & National Center for Healthcare Leadership. (2014). Leadership Development in Healthcare Systems: Toward an Evidence-based Approach. Retrieved from • Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 421–449. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. • Best, A., & Holmes, B. (2010). Systems thinking, knowledge and action: Towards better models and methods. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 6(2), 145–159. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases