Desi’s Story analysis

Desi’s Story analysis

Read “Desi’s Story” then respond to the following prompts (Desi’s Story.pdf):

1. What are your feelings and reactions to this story?

2. To what extent can you relate to Desi’s story and experience? Do you have a similar story to share?

3. Do you find the W-Shaped Adjustment Model useful in interpreting and understanding the story? How so?

4. Thinking of your own life transition or transformation stories and the stories of others, if you could make some changes to the W-Shaped Adjustment Model, what would you recommend?

ThIs assignment must be two – three type-written written pages (double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font) that address the listed topics. You will turn in the inquiry assignments to the appropriate assignment box. You must include a reference page which is not “counted” in the 2-3 page exploration of each inquiry. (REMEMBER, TO USE APA FORMAT FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AS WELL AS YOUR REFERENCE PAGE).