Develop a sustainable vision/scenario on an organisation
Task • Students are required to develop a sustainable vision/scenario on an organisation of their choice. • The scenario/vision should be for at least 10 years from the current year. • Word length: The assignment needs to be submitted in a structured form and be 2000-3000 words, +/- 20% not including bibliography or appendices. The Structure of Your Assignment • Executive summary outlining your vision. This must explain why you believe the scenario will help to yield sustainable outcomes • Introduction to the main report • The three key trends in the chosen industry and how you believe they will play out in 10 years time (with supporting rationale) • A reiteration of how these trends combined with sustainability trends lead to your vision. • An outline of how the vision impacts the organisation – its mode of production and its organisational structures and practices • An outline of the key stakeholders for this future organisation – include silent stakeholders (cf systemic mapping) • A discussion of how the vision/scenario will realise sustainable outcomes against five key metrics and how you believe the vision supports or detracts from the sustainable development definition. 5 Key Metrics • These metrics also applied to Assessment 2 – Group Video. • To measure the sustainability of the solution the groups will need to rate their solution against five key metrics (from Gladwin et al (1995) Shifting Paradigms for Sustainable Development: Implications for Management Theory and Research): 1. Inclusiveness 2. Connectivity 3. Equity 4. Prudence 5. Security