Develop and explain your leadership philosophy to deliver results and engage staff.

Develop and explain your leadership philosophy to deliver results and engage staff.

The Question- referencing the leadership Theories from the Northouse textbook and examples from leaders in the Hospitality field (travel, tourism, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, and restaurants) develop and explain your leadership philosophy to deliver results and engage staff. This paper must be written in APA style 11pages minimum with the following sections λ Introduction [what you believe to be the critical elements to be a successful leader and why] λ Conceptual framework reference a minimum of four of the leadership theories(textbook) to justify why you would or would not take various approaches. λ Discussion- referencing additional leadership books and your personal experiences, elaborate on why you believe your philosophy will deliver results for your organization λ Next development steps outline the next steps you will take to ensure you continue to progress on your leadership journey λ Conclusion λ List of 10 references minimum