Developing physical training program
Exercise Prescription: Write a 6 week exercise program for a particular population that YOU choose. The program should include, but not limited to, the following:
- Population overview
- Include demographics for a fake “person” that you will design the program for: i.e.: 26 yr. old male, HT: 5’9” WT: 267 lbs. with Type II Diabetes and family history.
- Target HR recommendations (using Karvonen and a percentage of intensity determined by you.)
- Contraindications (absolute reasons the participant cannot exercise) /risks and special considerations for that particular population.
- Warm up/cool down/cardiovascular training, strength training and flexibility guidelines/suggestions. Be creative. Most of the weeks should have different suggestions.
- Sample exercises-pictures
- Separate the program into weeks (week 1, week 2, etc.) and write specific recommendations/changes/progression for each week. Use table format with columns/rows.
- The bibliography must include at least 6-8 references from peer reviewed journals (with only 1 or 2 references from websites). * This is worth 150 pts
- Use APA formatting
- Paper must be at least 9 pages not including cover page and reference page. Double spaced.
assignments must follow APA guidelines to include cover/title page, double spacing , Times Roman font, 12 pt, headers, subheadings and references with hanging indent. Appropriate in text citations are required as well. See the APA cheat sheet I attached .