Did “culture” influence and/or inform Cyntoia’s life?

Did “culture” influence and/or inform Cyntoia’s life?

Please watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ7kJx2pTx8Links to an external site. After you have watched the video, which is about one hour in duration, please write a response (2 to 3 pages) to the following prompt: “Write a paper that addresses the following questions: Did “culture” influence and/or inform Cyntoia’s life? How or how not? What role did “social learning” play in Cyntoia’s life and decisions? Do cultural transmission or social learning theories better explain Cyntoia’s circumstances? Besides cultural transmission and social learning perspectives, what other criminological theories may be useful to understanding Cyntoia’s life? Be sure to make an argument that explicitly answers each of these questions. At the same time, be sure to use explicit examples from the video in making the case for particular theoretical perspectives. This assignment is due on May 22, 2017 at the start of class in hard copy. Note that this paper must be word-processed and stapled. It must be no shorter than two full pages in length (not including cover page and references), and it must be no longer than 3 pages in length (… unless you really want/need to write more). This paper must be double-spaced, with size twelve Times New Roman font and one inch margins. No references are necessary (but make sure you note the theory and theorist with the appropriate date, so it is clear which theory you are writing about). However, if you decide to utilize references, be sure to summarize or paraphrase borrowed ideas (rather than using direct quotes), and be sure to correctly cite all referenced sources in APA format. Good luck!