Did Google establish structures and systems to ensure that it leverages its diversity as part of the business strategy?
Chapter 13: Valuing Diversity Globally – Case Study Human Relations Chapter 13 – Case Study Google’s Lack of Diversity Please read Chapter 13’s Case Study on pages 430-431. Go to the Internet: You can watch a video and meet Susan Wojcicki at http://www.makers.com/susan-wojcicki . Support your answers to the following questions with specific information from the case and your textbook, or with other information you get from the Web or other sources. Remember to cite your sources. Did Google establish structures and systems to ensure that it leverages its diversity as part of the business strategy? How does Google propose to overcome possible prejudices and discrimination within the firm? What actions would you recommend that Google take relative to the negative publicity and statements about reported by PBS News Hour and NPR? Do you believe Google intentionally was biased and discriminated against women and minorities? Cumulative Questions: How do perception, attitudes, values, and ethics (Chapter 3) help us to understand the dynamics within the case? Should Google use a team approach (Chapter 11) for solving their problem with diversity? How might Google’s organizational culture (Chapter 12) have led to their problem with diversity? Chapter 13 Case Study is worth 35 points. Please submit completed assignment to the Dropbox titled Chapter 13: Case Study in either Rich Text Format (.rtf) or in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).