Difference between two versions of the flood stories
The first version is contained in the Epic of Gilgamesh, while the second is in the Hebrew Bible. First reread Utnapishtim’s story in the book. Secondly, read the flood account in Genesis. After you have read each account, make a list of contrasting details. Try to make this list as full as possible. Here are some questions you might consider: What motivates the action of the divine beings in each story? Is there an implied vision of the gods/God in each story? What is the status and image of human beings in each story? What details of the story suggest this status? After you complete these lists, please write at least a paragraph that contrasts these lists. Secondly, with these contrasts in mind, please look at each story as a whole. Is the moral teaching of each story the same? Why or why not? With these contrasts in mind, write an entry that summarizes the differences between these stories and what these differences suggest about the contrast between these cultures. What, finally, is the essential difference between them?