Differences/similarities between domestic terrorism in the United States compared to domestic terrorism in two (2) other countries
Consider domestic terrorism in the United States and evaluate its differences/similarities when compared to domestic terrorism in two (2) other countries. Although this list is not exhaustive, among the foreign “domestic terrorist” groups you might wish to consider are: Revolutionary Struggle (Greece) First of October Antifascist Group (Spain) Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (Morocco) Japanese Red Army (Japan) Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Colombia) Shining Path (Peru) Be sure to address historical and contemporary similarities/differences with regard to educational, political, economic, criminal, familial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds of the general membership of your chosen groups. Your paper must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins, utilize APA format with reference page. You must cite to at least seven (7) different sources in your paper. It would be wise to start gathering your source material as you proceed through the course from the beginning. You should draft an outline of your paper to serve as a “blueprint” for you as you conduct your research and then begin to write.