Discuss some of the issues of patriarchy seen in Turkey

Discuss some of the issues of patriarchy seen in Turkey

After reading chapters 10 & 11 from Families in a Global Context answer the following questions: a) Discuss some of the issues of patriarchy seen in Turkey. (100 words) b) Discuss some things about Iran that you found interesting. (100 words)

Read chapter 10, The Family in Turkey: The Battleground of the Modern and the Traditional, and chapter 11, Family and Family Change in Iran, from textbook Hennon, C. B., & Wilson, S. M. (Eds.). (2008). Families in a global context. New York: Routledge.

Read chapter 6, A Family Case Management Approach for Level 1 Needs, from textbook Kilpatrick, A. C., & Holland, T. P. (2009). Working with families: An integrative model by level of need (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson Allyn and Bacon.