Discuss the changes and developments of the portrayal of the human body throughout this period of the course
DIRECTIONS FOR TERM PAPERThis paper requires three 500 word (1 page double spaced not including the title and illustrations) essays.For each essay, you will need to discuss a minimum of 6 works of art (no more than 8) from at least 3 chapters from our textbook. The number of artworks is kept low so that you may discuss each one adequately.Do not just submit a list. It is a good idea to memorize your introduction (thesis) and your conclusion. The quality of the construction of the essay counts along with the content itself. Here are the topics:Discuss the changes and developments of the portrayal of the human body throughout this period of the course.Discuss religious architecture: how does its design reflect the interests and requirements of a particular group?Write an essay on the different ways of commemorating the dead. 2. Also use only “Gardner’s Art through the Ages The Western Perspective, Volume I, 15th Edition”