Discussion: A Good Decision depends on how the decision is made not the outcome
Using only the references below debate the truth to the statement: A Good Decision depends on how the decision is made not the outcome. Be sure to include in the answer the definition of a good decision and why the decision outcome is not the important measure of a good decision. The purpose behind studying decision making is to learn how we make decisions and through this understanding how we can employ tools and techniques to make quality decisions. A quality decision does not guarantee the best outcome for the decision maker but will reduce the chances of obtaining consistently poor outcomes. Does a drunk driver make a good decision when they get into a car drunk? Well, that depends on the definition of a good decision. If the choice to drive drunk results in a good outcome for the driver and others; namely, getting where they are going without harming anyone or anything would it be deemed a good decision? The difference between a good decision and a good outcome is highly significant. Most decisions we face have a degree of uncertainty attached to them and because this is the case it is possible to make a good decision and have a bad outcome. For instance, if we go back to our drunk driver example, had the driver called an Uber and the Uber driver was involved in an accident harming others the outcome was bad but the decision was good. Good decisions do not promise good outcomes, but the law of averages suggest that the more we make quality decisions, ones that seek to incorporate our knowledge of how we can avoid bias in our decision process, the more likely the outcomes will become consistently better as well. As we move through the course we will examine not only how we make decisions but how we can employ tools and techniques to make quality decisions. The conclusion must have no less that four (4) quotes and two sentences of explaination. Use headers! Thanks. Please use (ALL) only the following as references: (1) https://www.london.edu/faculty-and-research/lbsr/more-important-than-results?display=expanded#.VZsVibvD_b0 (2) https://iveybusinessjournal.com/publication/why-making-the-decisions-the-right-way-is-more-important-than-making-the-right-decisions/ (3) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-behind-behavior/201707/what-is-good-decision (4)https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/250175 (5) https://vimeo.com/76671870 Week 1 Episode 4 – Decision Quality Framework