Discussion on Hume thoughts on the basis of morality

Discussion on Hume thoughts on the basis of morality

David Hume argued that morality is solely based in human sentiment (it is a product of our feelings, morality is not based in universal facts – in other words, it is wrong to kill a person because we do not like it, not because it violates a moral order governing our universe); I want you to discuss why Hume thinks this is the basis of morality (what argument does he put forward to show that he is right) and whether you think he is right (if you do why do you agree and if you do not how would you respond to his argument). You are required to write a brief (250-300 words, 1 to 1 ½ pages) essays to the topics provided below. These assignments are graded in terms of three key areas: Content, Grammar, and Form. Content consists of serious and original reflection (Original means that the work must originate from your own thinking about the topics; papers that merely paraphrase or borrow heavily from websites or books will be marked down severely and may be treated as plagiarism) on the selected material as well as successful integration of terms and concepts presented within the course. The content will make up approximately 70% of the grade for each assignment. Grammar consists of clear and precise writing (sentences should make sense, etc.). Grammar will make up 25% of the grade for each assignment. Form consists in the appearance and presentation of the essay – is it readable, does it have consistent margins and paragraph breaks, etc.