Distinguishes between a ‘technological’ and a ‘man-made’ disaster and that examines the subtleties of both

Distinguishes between a ‘technological’ and a ‘man-made’ disaster and that examines the subtleties of both

  • There are clear differences between natural and technological disasters, but how do technological and man-made disasters differ, if at all? If one perhaps more dependent on happenstance and or error – is the other perhaps more deliberate and causal by man himself?
    • Is there really a difference?
    • Does the difference matter?
  • Extending in this line of thought, do you believe that our first-responder community is as prepared for the eventuality of a ‘technological’ hazard in general, as they may be for the occurrence e of a ‘natural’ hazard?
  • Are they as prepared for the potential eventuality of a ‘man-made’ hazard in specific, as they may be for ‘natural’ and ‘technological’ hazards?
  • Finally, Examine the potential for a ‘man-made’ bio-terror attack. Do you believe we are prepared? Why or why not.
    • Are there mitigating and exacerbating conditions that would impact a nefarious bio-pathogenic release?
    • Are there protective action recommendations that might be enacted in response to a bio-terror attack? What are they? Which would you specifically recommend? Why?

Research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the course-ware will be required.

  • Your assignment must be properly formatted and cited using APA, 6th Edition format.
  • Your assignment must be a minimum of 1,250 words, not counting cover page and reference page material. Your writing can be longer, but it cannot be under the minimum indicated word-count for credit.
  • Do not simply list questions and respond – your work is intended to be a complete, integrative narrative that embodies an introduction a body within which you respond to the targeted questions and a summary and conclusion.