Does language in general perpetuate stereotypes and inequality?

Does language in general perpetuate stereotypes and inequality?

Discussion Question #1 – due by day 3

Consider Koppelman’s argument that “sexist language” influences cultural “attitudes and behavior” toward women, and the information gained from your Perspective articles:

  • Does language in general perpetuate stereotypes and inequality? Give examples.
  • Does language tell us, as feminists (and other minority members) contend, who holds power and “significance” in society?
  • Which do you feel is more detrimental, individual or institutional sexism?
  • Is concern about the language and labels that are used for women and minorities just trivial “hair-splitting”?  Explain.

Discussion Question #2 – due by day 5
In Chapter 11 of the text, review the information related to “heterosexual assumption” and “cultural heterosexism” and respond to the following questions. Be sure to include information from your Perspectives readings.

  • How and when was the heterosexual assumption challenged?
  • Discuss some of the historical evidence of the existence of homosexuality.
  • Have attitudes about homosexuality changed?  What evidence supports your conclusion?  Cite any outside sources used.