Does the desire to be accepted as a part of a group leave one susceptible to conforming to the group’s norms?

Does the desire to be accepted as a part of a group leave one susceptible to conforming to the group’s norms?

Can a group exert pressure that’s strong enough to change a member’s attitudes and behavior? How does one particular leadership model (a valid one, by today’s research standards, as discussed in this module’s materials) interact with the most important performance outcomes with regard to teams? What can you use from this analysis to help you be a better manager? How would a leader who was following the tenets of the leadership model interact with the members of his or her team in order to maximize the strengths of work teams in general while mitigating the pitfalls of such teams? Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: 3-4 pages in length Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements Cite a minimum of two scholarly sources, at least one of which is not provided in, or linked from, the course. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these scholarly sources! Write clearly and logically, as you will be graded on content, analysis, and your adherence to the tenets of good academic writing, which should be succinct where possible while also exploring the topics appropriately. Although two outside scholarly sources are required for this paper, remember that you can always improve your work by providing support from additional outside scholarly sources, which helps both to bolster your own assertions and supplement your ideas.