Effective management of international strategic alliances demands careful attention to the management of expatriates by the MNE headquarters.” Discuss

Effective management of international strategic alliances demands careful attention to the management of expatriates by the MNE headquarters.” Discuss

1 Effective management of international strategic alliances demands careful attention to the management of expatriates by the MNE headquarters.” Discuss.

2. “Key to FSA development is the home country diamond”. Discuss, drawing on examples as appropriate.

3 What is the relationship between Porter’s diamond of national competitive advantage and Bartlett & Ghoshal’s subsidiary roles?

4 Hamel, Doz and Prahalad observe that different managers within MNEs make outsourcing decisions at different times, unaware of the cumulative effects. What are the implications of outsourcing by an MNE for core competence development and maintenance? How can these risks be minimised?

5 How can effective human resource management practices reduce problems of bounded rationality and bounded reliability? Discuss, providing examples as appropriate.

6 What determines levels of subsidiary autonomy?