Effects of social media in the process of connecting society
Background:During the semester, we have focused on developing our argumentative skills by making clear claims about the arguments of authors as well as looking closely at how authors use different skills to make their points. In this paper, you will combine those same skills with an even greater use of outside research. Often, when students think of research papers, they think they will be collecting different research and presenting it in a paper. However, simply offering a presentation of research is more of a literature review than a research essay. For this research essay, you will be using outside research to support your own argument on the topic you chose. This means that the research you use will help you support and develop an argument that you have formed yourself.This paper is your own argument, but you should take into account what you’ve learned during this course: begin by showing the conversation your paper is responding to (“they say”), have a clear statement of your own argument (“I say”), include quotes and incorporate them smoothly, point out possible objections to your argument, use appropriate transitions, and explain why the issue matters. You might also consider adding metacommentary and finding ways to include your own voice. Prompt:In an essay of approximately 6-8 pages, you will take a stance and support an argument on one of the two issues previously mentioned. Once you have chosen your topic, start collecting information from reputable sources that both support and counter your arguments. Look at these arguments to form your own thesis and supporting points that you will use to construct your research essay. Then, bring in reputable outside sources to support your arguments and use your analysis to explain how the research supports your overall arguments. You should open your essay with an introduction that provides background information about the issue you are covering and what is being debated about that issue. End your introduction with a thesis that articulates your position and then support that position through your body paragraphs. Finally, provide a conclusion that reflects on the significance of the issue you just discussed to put your argument in a larger context.Requirements:1) A thesis that clearly articulates your stance on the issue you have selected and the main reason why you hold that position.2) An introduction that provides background information on your topic as well as the debate surrounding the issue you have selected.3) Body paragraphs that begin with topic sentences that make clear claims supporting the thesis.4) Sub-points within the body paragraph that provide reasons supporting the topic sentences.5) Support from at least six reputable outside sources that are current and up-to-date. These should mainly be peer-reviewed scholarly articles or books.6) Analysis that explains how the support proves your arguments.7) Closing sentences that end body paragraphs by reflecting on their significance.8) Transitions among and within paragraphs that illustrate connections between your points. 9) A conclusion that reflects on the significance of the overall essay.10) Correct MLA usage for in-text citation and works cited page.11) Evidence of proofreading.12) A title that reflects the thesis of the essay.13) Eight to ten pages, 12 inch font, double-spaced, Times New Roman, one inch margins.Avoiding fallacies:Make sure your sub-claims are logical, reasonable, and accurate.Addressing the opposition: One way to establish ethos is through acknowledgement and rebuttal of opposing points; to create a fair and balanced argument, you must refute the opposition’s main claim(s). A great way to refute your opposition is to recognize a fallacy in their argument. Are they over-generalizing? Predicting a series of unlikely consequences? Making an unfair comparison? Trying to unfairly scare people? (etc.) You may have to concede that they have a good point and then stand firm that your position is still worthwhile or offer solutions to the dilemma. Using different rhetorical patterns: Remember that academic arguments are often composed of different patterns; don’t be afraid to use definition, compare/contrast, cause/effect, narration, description, and any other mode that will help develop and prove your main claim. Evaluating your Sources: Use the CRAAP test to evaluate any internet sources for credibility and/or use library databases whenever possible. Attending a library research workshop is a great first step.Citing your Sources: Make sure you use proper MLA citation throughout your paper to avoid plagiarism; introducing your sources with their credentials can also boost the validity of your argument. Your use of sources should be a mix of quotes and paraphrases. Keep in mind that ANYTHING that is not your original thought needs a citation! Your final draft will be submitted electronically and run through turnitin.com. I would strongly advise you to use a plagiarism checker before submitting your final draft (there are many free sites online).