Epic Health Solutions recruitment and selection
In your role as the Human Resources Manager for Epic Health Solutions, it is now time to hire the best person for the new position. So far, the job analysis has been done, the job description created, the performance appraisal created, the job evaluation done, and the compensation and benefits determined. With the job description handy, refer back to Module 02 for guidance on the selection process.
In a 2-3 page report, prepared in APA format, include the following:
- Explain from where you will source qualified applicants.
- Discuss why diversity is important within an organization and what diverse qualities you will be looking for in candidates applying for this position.
- Describe how you will recruit the staff you have sourced to get them interested in the position and to want to learn more about it.
- Discuss what kind of an interview process you will conduct.
Describe how you will make your final selection. What factors will be most important?
Project Overview
This Course Project will provide you with an opportunity to explore the Human Resource functions of: job analysis, job description, job evaluation, performance appraisal, compensation, sourcing, selection, and training.
You will imagine that you serve as the Human Resource Manager for a health insurance company called Epic Health Solutions, a company with 300 employees. You will identify the need to create a new position within the organization and will go to the CEO to seek approval. You will explain the specific position needed and once you receive CEO approval, apply each of the functions (outlined above) to create and staff the position.
Due Date
Your final project is due in Module 05. There will be individual assignments along the way. The module they are due is noted in the time line below.
Time Line
New Position in the Company with Executive Summary
From the Job Analysis to the Job Description and Performance Appraisal
Determining Compensation, Benefits and Union Membership Eligibility
Making the Best Selection
You will compile each separate course project assignment and rewrite as necessary to create a cohesive, final report. Your Final Report should be written in APA format and have 5-7 content pages. It should demonstrate a strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 5 different sources and include in-text citations.
Each course project assignment leading up to the final report will be evaluated and graded independently. Consider any graded faculty feedback and make improvements as needed to your final report before submission. Your instructor will provide specific grading criteria for each step of the project prior to its due date.
For Further Questions
If you have further questions throughout this project, please ask your Instructor. Post ideas and questions for your classmates in the General Course Questions forum in the Getting Started folder of this course.
Module 05 Project Assignment – Making the Best Selection
In your role as the Human Resources Manager for Epic Health Solutions, it is now time to hire the best person for the new position. So far, the job analysis has been done, the job description created, the performance appraisal created, the job evaluation done, and the compensation and benefits determined. With the job description handy, refer back to Module 02 for guidance on the selection process.
In a 2-3 page report, prepared in APA format, include the following:
- Explain from where you will source qualified applicants.
- Discuss why diversity is important within an organization and what diverse qualities you will be looking for in candidates applying for this position.
- Describe how you will recruit the staff you have sourced to get them interested in the position and to want to learn more about it.
- Discuss what kind of an interview process you will conduct.
Describe how you will make your final selection. What factors will be most important?