Evaluate the creditworthiness of Walgreen based on the balance sheet
M2D2 Case Study Discussion: Walgreen Co.
Prior to discussion activity you should:
Please discuss the following:
Review the Balance sheet of the latest Walgreen Co. 10k Filing. (link) Select two of the following questions to review/discuss:
- Which current assets are the most significant?
- Which non-current assets are the most significant?
- Asset the level of debt and risk that Walgreen has by looking only at the balance sheet.
- Evaluate the creditworthiness of Walgreen based on the balance sheet
- Does Walgreen use off-balance sheet financing? Explain your answer.
- Compute the current ratio and debt ratio for the past two years.
Once you have posted your response into the Message field on the forum, your next step is to peruse the postings of your fellow classmates.
Use the subject line as an advanced organizer to allow your classmates and the instructor to have some idea of what you’re posting is about, for example a subject line “response to discussion question” is not appropriate. Your responses to fellow students should contain substance, should be more than just opinion, and must go beyond a simple agreement or disagreement.
Compose your work using a word processor and save it, as a Plain Text or an .rtf, to your computer. When you’re ready to make your initial posting, please click on the “Create Thread” button and copy/paste the text from your document into the message field. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it.