Evaluation of a health promotion campaign
Regarding Part 1 ‘evaluation of a health promotion campaign’ You are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and demonstrate understanding of the rationale for the program. To do this you will need to firstly review and discuss the literature on alcohol use and abuse in Australia and also the problem of alcohol in the target group of the campaign – this will demonstrate you understanding of the rationale for the program. Secondly you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. To do this you will need to understand what contributes to successful health promotion which you will find in the literature about health promotion. You will also use the information VicHealth provide as the rationale for the program and the target group to whom it is targeted. We provided you with links to several resources in Week 4 that you will find useful to understand how health promotion is evaluated and also the factors that contribute to a successful campaign. We also evaluated/assessed the effectiveness a health promotion campaign in class together in Week 4, which can be used to guide your evaluation/assessment of the effectiveness of the campaign in this assignment. The information VicHealth provides about the campaign and the intended target group should also be useful in your to evaluation of how successfully they meet ether campaign objectives. On the site of the campaign, VicHealth also provides links to very useful documents and resources that supported the development of the campaign that may be helpful when you are assessing the effectiveness of the program. Use the theories and literature of health promotion and what contributes to successful health promotion interventions to guide your evaluation. While you will see that the program has not been evaluated, you can evaluate/assess the effectiveness using what you have learned about what contributes to a successful health promotion program based on the literature about health promotion. Regarding Part 2 ‘mental health promotion interventions could you implement’ We have argued that mental health promotion is an integral component of the nurses’ role. We are asking you to discuss two or three health promotion interventions you, as a nurse, could implement with patients and their families affected by alcohol, with the aim of promoting mental health and resilience. The emphasis here is on alcohol, one of the mental health issues we focused on this trimester. As you will remember resilience underpins mental health and wellbeing. So if you are providing health promotion interventions for alcohol you are indeed promoting mental health and resilience. We discussed, in some detail, several examples of health promoting interventions in Week 5. This part of the assignment will also be informed by the literature you have read for Part 1, as well as reading about health promotion strategies/interventions and alcohol specific health promotion interventions.