Examine several issues involving crises and crisis management
In this paper the student will discuss/examine several issues involving crises and crisis management. Research typologies used to define and describe crises. Compare and contrast your findings between what our texts offered and what your research showed. Explain and define what crisis leadership is and what it means. Explain what a crisis is. Describe historical lessons learned from at least two major events. Illustrate what leadership competencies were most important, most used, and most successful. The student will write a minimum of four (4) full pages. The student will use a minimum of two references (one of which will be the textbook. GRADING RUBRIC Grading Rubric Grading Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContext Description Exemplary; Clearly described all relevant contextual issues. 20.0 pts Proficient; Described relevant contextual issues with some minor omissions. 17.0 pts Minimal; Description was unclear and/or had numerous omissions. 13.0 pts Unacceptable; Did not answer the questions. 9.0 pts 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding Exemplary; Clearly and engagingly comprehends the challenges and issues in emergency management. 10.0 pts Proficient; Comprehension of the challenges and issues in emergency management. 8.0 pts Minimal; Rudimentary comprehension of the challenges and issues in emergency management. 6.0 pts Unacceptable; Did not demonstrate comprehension of the challenges and issues in emergency management. 4.0 pts 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInsight Exemplary; Demonstrated clear insight. 10.0 pts Proficient; Demonstrated insight with minor misunderstandings. 8.0 pts Minimal; Demonstrated insight with major misunderstanding. 6.0 pts Unacceptable;Did not demonstrate insight. 4.0 pts 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting Exemplary; No formatting, spelling or grammatical errors. Appropriate references were used and properly cited. 10.0 pts Proficient; Averages only 1 or 2 errors per page. References were used and cited. 8.0 pts Minimal; Averages 3-5 errors per page. References were used but not properly cited. 6.0 pts Unacceptable; More than 5 errors per page. No references were used. 4.0 pts 10.0 pts Total Points: 50.0 Previous Next