Examine Sir Samuel Cunard career and reasons for their success or failure in Canadian business history
For the second assignment, students are to choose one of the entrepreneurs listed below and examine their business career as well as the reasons for their success or failure in Canadian business history. The purpose of the assignment is to give a brief overview of the business life of the person followed by an analysis of why the person was able to succeed (or not) in establishing and/or managing their business in Canada.
Thus, the assignment has two parts: 1) Begin by identifying the person and give a brief biographical overview of their business career. This part should be approximately one paragraph and should constitute a small part of the overall assignment; 2) The majority of the paper should be devoted to examining the question of how or why this person succeeded (or not) in establishing/managing a business in Canada, despite the significant obstacles to entrepreneurship? There may be many factors to explain the success of an individual; in this case, focus on the most important reason, in your opinion, for the individual’s success. This is an analytical assignment and, thus, it must be devoted to answering the above question, with a thesis and an argument.