Examine the employment of an emerging police technology by civil law enforcement agencies.

Examine the employment of an emerging police technology by civil law enforcement agencies.

Computer Application PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to examine the employment of an emerging police technology by civil law enforcement agencies. A secondary purpose is to provide the student with the experience of researching police technology and presenting the finding to the command staff. This replicates a common practice for entry-level personnel. GOAL: The goal of the assignment is to view the topic using facts, and only facts. There are many sources available but very few are factually reliable. Your goal is to draft a work product that relies on facts. REQUIREMENTS: You are required to read and utilize any reliable sources to provide information to support your written work. To facilitate this you are required to only use sources available through the Berkeley College Library (See Links). You are required to properly cite all work in APA and must have a minimum of 3 primary sources and two secondary sources. The Berkeley College Library provides great resources on how to do this (See Links). The paper shall be a minimum of Six (6) full pages of your own work, not counting the cover page, works cited page, etc. For each half page short of this requirement 5 points shall be deducted from the overall paper grade. The allowable amount of quoted material shall be one-half page. Quoted material above this amount will not count towards the page count. At a minimum, the student shall address the following questions. (The intent is not to simply provide a short answer for these questions but to provide full details with support. In other words be sure to answer the “so what?” and “prove it” test as we have discussed in class.) What is the background on the technology you were directed to research? What types of similar technology is currently being used by Law Enforcement now? Why is law enforcement employing this technology? What is the benefit of this technology? What is the role of the Public, the Press, and the Politicians in the adopting of this technology? What are some of the drawbacks of using this technology? What is your opinion on the subject? Should the agency adopt this technology? The student will be required to present their findings in class. The presentation shall take the form of a justice professional presenting formally to their agency command staff about a technology they were assigned to research. Students are encouraged to utilize Power Point. Please be sure to answer all of the minimum questions stated above. Any indications of significant cutting and pasting without full APA citation will result in a 0 being awarded for the grade and potential referral to the academic integrity database for investigation. I am including the Berkeley College policy on academic integrity (See Link). http://berkeleycollege.edu/academics_bc/library/library_home_page.htm http://berkeleycollege.libguides.com/Writing https://berkeleycollege.edu/files_bc/Academic_Integrity_and_Plagiarism_Procedures.pdf