Explain Descartes’ philosophy and why it was so revolutionary?

Explain Descartes’ philosophy and why it was so revolutionary?

8 pages the 8th being the Reference page “Guidelines for Writing Philosophy Papers” at the Philosophy Department website: http://www.csus.edu/phil/guidance/writing guidelines.html Content: • State clearly what the topic and purpose of the paper is • Clear thesis statement and purpose • Strong introduction • Good explanation of concepts, illustrations • Appropriate applications of concepts to realistic examples • Scholarly use of technical concepts • Good use of the text to support main points, or as evidence • No over usage of quotes (dumping them in to make your paper longer) • Quotes should only be used to supplement your paper • Good, clear points and topics Organization • 1” margins, 12 pt. font, Arial or Times New Roman (no loose tracking, or increasing the line spacing, don’t increase the margins, I know what Times looks like, don’t even think about courier new, it’s very obvious). • Double spaced • APA style Reference Page (cite sources in a reference list in alphabetical order) •Coherence • Introduction • Creative and interest-attaining beginning • Clear forecast of the paper’s organization • Body •Logical progression of ideas throughout the body •Clear and helpful transitions and forecasts • Appropriate use of headings •Well-developed paragraph structure •Conclusion • Appropriate generalizations drawn • Summary of all main points and concepts. Writing Style • Correct grammar • Correct spelling (have someone proof read your paper, spell check on word does not do the job) • College level writing • No redundancy or overlap • Smooth transitions