Explain how and why the following characters in “King Arthur” change in the course of this myth

Explain how and why the following characters in “King Arthur” change in the course of this myth

  • As people mature, they can change. Sometimes they become better  human beings: self-confident, sensitive, thoughtful, and kind. Sometimes  their experiences make them weak, callous, or cruel. Explain how and  why the following characters in “King Arthur” change in the course of  this myth: (a) Arthur; (b) Lancelot; (c) Guinevere; (d) Gawain; (e)  Mordred. Do you see yourself in any of these characters? How so?


  • Between 1,000–1,100 words in length
  • Adhere to MLA style
  • Any resources (including your book) must be cited and referenced