Explain in detail what the Humanities are and how they influence culture?

Explain in detail what the Humanities are and how they influence culture?


Identify key traditions and ideas influencing our culture.


In a written response of one to three pages, explain in detail what the Humanities are and how they influence culture?

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
Category Not Submitted No pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Defines Humanities Not Submitted Does not define what the Humanities are. Defines what the Humanities are, but more explanation is needed. Defines what the Humanities are. Defines what the Humanities are in detail.
Areas of Study Not Submitted Includes few of the subjects the Humanities covers. Includes most of the subjects the Humanities covers. Includes all the subjects the Humanities covers and lists some examples. Includes all the subjects the Humanities covers and lists many examples of each.
Why Study Humanities? Not Submitted Does not explain why it is important for people to study the Humanities. States that it is important to study Humanities, but explanation is needed. Explains why it is important for people to study the Humanities. Explains in detail why it is important to study Humanities.
Art Influences Culture
Not Submitted Does not explain how art influences culture. Explains how art influences culture, but needs more explanation and detail. Explains in detail how art influences culture and provides some specific examples. Explains in detail how art influences culture and provides many specific examples.
Culture Influences Art
Not Submitted Does not explain how culture influences art. Explains how culture influences art, but needs more explanation and detail. Explains in detail how culture influences art and provides some specific examples. Explains in detail how culture influences art and provides many specific examples.