Explain the concept of Knowledge management. Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations.

Explain the concept of Knowledge management. Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations.

Assignment Questions

Question 1: ( minimum 300 words)

Explain the concept of Knowledge management. Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations.

Question 2: ( minimum 500 words)

Describe how the major types of knowledge are transformed in the Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM. Use a concrete example to make your point. (1 Mark)

Which transformations would prove to be the most difficult? Why?(0.5 Mark)

Which transformation would prove to be easy? Why? (0.5 Mark)

What other key factors would influence how well the knowledge spiral model worked within a given organization? (0.5 Mark)

Question 3: ( minimum 300 words)

In what ways is the Choo and Weick KM model similar to the Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model? In what ways do they differ? (1 Mark)

Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge? (0.5 Mark)