Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci, identifying specific elements of the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles
“Counter-Reform and Mannerism” Please write ONE paragraph per part with a minimum of 125 words for each part of the discussion by responding to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
There are Three parts to Discussion Option B.
- 1) Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci, identifying specific elements of the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles.
- 2) Discuss whether you would have sided with Veronese or with Inquisition court, considering the issues of artistic freedom, right of the patron, and appropriate subject matter. Provide a rationale for your response.
- 3) Describe a real modern situation where similar issues arise, like a controversial film, a professor with controversial views, a business owner expressing a religious opinion in public, a business owner who has an employee who is “just different”, etc.
Evaluation Criteria For Threaded Discussions: Your discussion must have ONE paragraph with a minimum of 125 words for each part of the discussion. Discussion question(s) should present well-reasoned and thoughtful analyses. Each student will also need to respond to a classmates Original Discussion Thread, but on a topic that is different than your Initial discussion. For example – if your initial response is to Discussion Option B, then your response to a classmate needs to be to someone who posts an initial response to Discussion Option A. The response needs to have a minimum of 50 Words and add to the discussion topic. Don’t simply say “I agree with so-and-so” or “ Mona Lisa is cool” and expect that to suffice. I look for well-reasoned and thoughtful comments; I will not penalize you for opinions with which I disagree. You are not limited to one post and are encouraged to be actively involved in the discussion.
Counter-Reform and Mannerism
- Chapter 20 (pp. 665-681), Mannerist art; (see also p. 591 in Chapter 17); review Week 10 Music folder
- Tintoretto’s Last Supper at http://www.wga.hu/html_m/t/tintoret/5_1580s/3lastsup.html (click on the image to enlarge); also at Fig. 20.9 on p. 674
- Tintoretto’s Last Supper, video, at http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/jacopo-tintorettos-last-supper.html
- Chapter 14 (p. 491), Leonardo’s Last Supper (Fig. 14.25)
- Leonardo’s Last Supper at http://www.philvaz.com/apologetics/LeonardoLastSupper.htm
- Chapter 20 (pp. 678-680 with Fig. 20.16), “Last Supper” painting and Inquisition trial of the artist Veronese
- Trial of Veronese at http://members.efn.org/~acd/Veronese.html