Explanation that contrasts the Skills Approach and Trait Theory of leadership.

Explanation that contrasts the Skills Approach and Trait Theory of leadership.

Skills Versus Traits and the Systems Perspective Skills Approach differs from Trait Theory because it focuses on an individual’s skills and abilities versus an individual’s traits. Although traits may be important for a leader in health care administration, skills also determine leadership effectiveness. Contemporary research has noted that an individual may garner skills and competencies from professional experiences. For example, a leader’s skills derived from nonprofit experience securing funds for multiple low-funded health clinics may assist in developing valuable competencies in matters of negotiation and organization. From developed skills and competencies, an individual may gain a leadership position or emerge as an effective leader. For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources, paying specific attention to the journal article by Morrow, Glenn, and Maben (2014). Reflect on skills and traits that might be necessary for leadership within a health care administration setting. Also, think about how traits and skills may relate to your personal health care administration leadership philosophy. Write a 1 page paper that 1. a brief explanation that contrasts the Skills Approach and Trait Theory of leadership. 2. explain whether a skill represents a trait or if a trait represents a skill for informing leadership. 3. Justify your response and provide an example. 4. Finally, explain how each might relate to your personal health care administration leadership philosophy. ** Be specific and provide examples. Must use resources below and in-text cite Resources: Case Studies Katz, R. L. (1974). Skills of an effective administrator. Harvard Business Review, 52(5), 90 Morrow, E., Robert, G., & Maben, J. (2014). Exploring the nature and impact of leadership on the local implementation of the Productive Ward Releasing Time to Care. Journal Of Health Organization & Management, 28(2), 154-176. Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Leadership styles. (n.d.). In How-to guide, management: Developing a leadership style [Online series]. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved June 6, 2015, from http://guides.wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/how-to-develop-a-leadership-style/?mod=WSJBlog