Facts of Hudson v. Palmer

Facts of Hudson v. Palmer

Summarizes the facts of Hudson v. Palmer Discuss an offender’s limited privacy right in his or her housing assignment as authorized by the Court of Appeals, including the state’s objection to the Court of Appeals decision that allowed offenders to have a limited privacy right. (Hint: The Court of Appeals wanted to determine the purpose of the cell search.) Discuss the Supreme Court’s decision in Hudson v. Palmer in light of the Fourth Amendment. Specifically, discuss the 2 interests in balance when determining whether an expectation of privacy is legitimate or reasonable. Discuss whether a prisoner’s expectation of privacy in his or her prison cell is the kind of expectation that society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. Summarize the facts of Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders. Summarize the facts of Bell v. Wolfish. Discuss at least 5 of the penological determinants for random and nonrandom searches of offender housing units, both with and without justification.