Fictional t-shirt company marketing campaign

Fictional t-shirt company marketing campaign

In this class we will be discussing the basic foundations of marketing. Your weekly class project is to apply each of our weekly marketing components to be used for your fictional

t-shirt company, as discussed in the Course Project Introduction section.

For this paper, you are creating your own t-shirt company where your t-shirts will be sold online and in retail locations. You will choose one of the following options below. Whichever option you choose, you will continue to use this option for each weekly course project assignment. The weekly projects will build towards your final marketing plan for your t-shirt company.

You will only be choosing ONE of these options. Choose one option for your t-shirt company:

Option 1: Low cost t-shirt company

  • T-shirt selling price $5.00 each
  • High sales volume of t-shirts (i.e. a high # of t-shirts are sold each year)
  • Lower profit margins (i.e. the profit from each t-shirt sold is minimal)

Option 2: Medium cost t-shirt company

  • T-shirt selling price $30.00 each
  • Medium sales volume of t-shirts (i.e. a medium # of t-shirts are sold each year)
  • Medium profit margins (i.e. the profit from each t-shirt is medium)

Option 3: High cost t-shirt company

  • T-shirt selling price $150.00 each
  • Low sales volume of t-shirts (i.e. a low # of t-shirts are sold each year)
  • High profit margins (i.e. the profit from each t-shirt sold is high

Module 01 Assignment Directions

Submit a 2-3-page paper in which you start to build the marketing plan for your t-shirt company in the apparel industry. This paper will consist of three sections: your t-shirt company introduction, the marketing mix, and SWOT analysis chart. Your paper needs to be in APA format, include a title page, and a reference list.

Section 1: T-shirt Company Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)

  1. Identify which option you have chosen
  2. Create a company/brand name
  3. Describe the company and the product
  4. Explain how you will differentiate your brand

Section 2: The 4 Ps (2-4 paragraphs)

  1. Identify marketing strategies you will use and provide your rationale. Remember the strategy of the long-term plan which include the goals of achieving a competitive edge in the market.
  2. Outline the 4 P’s (product, price, place, promotion) and explain how you would use each one to inform your marketing strategy.

Section 3: SWOT (include SWOT chart image) and SWOT Summary (2-3 paragraphs)

  1. Build a SWOT chart for your t-shirt company that includes the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that company should consider.
  2. Describe how your t-shirt company will use the SWOT information to develop the marketing strategies and activities. Explain your rationale with examples.

Helpful suggestions when writing your paper

Visit the Companies & Industries page of the School of Business Guide for recommended databases and database instruction for learning more about the apparel industry.

Are you new to research or using the library databases? Consider scheduling a research appointment with the Business Librarian

APA Guide

Want to check your paper for grammar and spelling errors? Upload a draft of your paper to Grammarly or the Writing Lab for review and feedback.

Resources to use to help create your t-shirt company name

Library List of Dictionaries & Thesaurus

Behind The Name (provides information and meaning of first names)

Business Name Generators – Use for brainstorming ideas.

Use your favorite search engine to locate a business name generator website.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date.