Find a trusted service that Law Management and Enforcement (LAME) can use to pay the Bitcoins
LAME Recruit, It seems that the internal employee training at the LAw Management and Enforcement (LAME) needs to be improved as an employee clicked on a phishing link and downloaded the Crowti ransomware. As a result of this infection, LAME’s servers have been encrypted and are being held for ransom. LAME is to pay 50 Bitcoins or the equivalent in an alternate digital currency. LAME’s accounting department is looking for advice since no one within LAME understands Bitcoins. Specifically, LAME is looking to for you to provide information on: Finding a trusted service that LAME can use to pay the Bitcoins What alternative currencies exist? For a few of the currencies, please comment on How popular are they? What, if any, sub-culture do they serve? What is their market capitalization[1]? Should LAME pay the ransom or try to retrieve the data from backups (assume there is no tool to unlock the ransomware without the key provided by the hackers)? Reporting Requirements: For this assignment, please treat this as a mini research paper, while addressing all of the above points. For example, say things like “According to (citation) Exchange X is the best, but they seem to be very new compared to Exchange Y, hence blah blah”. Use proper APA formatting for all submissions, double space, and 3 pages in length. You will be graded on the clarity and conciseness of your argument, as well as whether your argument is compelling. Your country appreciates your assistance, LAME Supervisor of Threat (LAMEST) [1]