Find out as much as you can about the human resource situation in India

Find out as much as you can about the human resource situation in India

International Business India is the country. This SLP will focus on human resources and human resource strategies, policies, and practices that may impact on the ease of doing business in India. Find out as much as you can about the human resource situation in India. For example, how well educated is the workforce? What is the unemployment rate like?

Also, try to find out as much as you can about labor regulations or common human resource practices in India. For example, some countries have greater unionization than others. Some countries also have strong restrictions against worker dismissals.

In addition to looking for articles about human resources in India, international organizations such as the World Bank or the OECD have data on some indicators of education and/or labor market regulations. also includes information about labor market regulations and minimum wages, and some advocacy groups such as the Fraser Institute or the Heritage Foundation publish “economic freedom” reports that include labor market regulation information on each country. When you have finished researching the human resource situation in India, write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

1. The general skill and education level of the country.

2. The types of labor market regulation that exists in your country, such as minimum wages, or ease of dismissing workers.

3. Your overall assessment of the human resource situation in your country. Feel free to include other issues besides labor market regulations or education if you find anything relevant in your research.

Paper Format as follows: Set 1-inch margins on all four sides. Use 12-point type throughout; don’t use different type sizes. Double-space the text throughout the paper, including the reference page. Do not put extra spaces between paragraphs or between headings and paragraphs. Use italics or bold for emphasis, but use them sparingly or it becomes too distracting for your reader Must have in-text citations Must have references (APA format)