Find three unique, fun facts from the integumentary, urinary, or reproductive systems. Why are these unique and fun facts?
1. Find three unique, fun facts from the integumentary, urinary, or reproductive systems. Why are these unique and fun facts?
2. Patient with skin disorders can be very sensitive or hesitant when it comes to examinations. What are some ways that the medical assistant can demonstrate professionalism when supporting patients who might be uncomfortable with having their skin examined?
3. Identify a common skin disorder. Is this disorder the primary diagnosis or secondary associated with another disorder? What is the population prevalence? What is one treatment option
4. Why are men more prone to having kidney stones than women? How can an individual lower the risk of developing kidney stones? How can you as the medical assistant support the individual experiencing kidney stones?
5. Patients across the life span, especially women and the elderly, can suffer from incontinence. What are some of the ways that a medical assistant can demonstrate sensitivity and professionalism when supporting such patients?
6. Urinary Tract Infections or UTI’s are very common in females. What are the risk factors for acquiring an infection? How can females prevent UTI’s? Provide two causes, two preventive suggestions, and two treatments. Do signs and symptoms vary in male patients? What are the risk factors for men?
7. What cultural considerations does a medical assistant need to be aware of when addressing issues related to the female reproductive system?
8. Taking a patient’s reproductive health history requires that the medical assistant demonstrate sensitivity and professionalism. What are some specific steps you can take to exercise sensitivity and professionalism when taking patients’ reproductive health histories?
9. As an MA, how can you professionally ask a patient about birth control? How would the patient’s age alter the questions or discussion? How might an individual’s economic status impact the use of contraceptives? How can this issue be addressed with patients?
10. How do you complete a medical and history interview with a patient exhibiting signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s? What are some ways the medical assistant can demonstrate professionalism and sensitivity in communication?
11. Do physical ailments manifest differently in a geriatric patient verses other patient populations? Give an example and how the MA would demonstrate professionalism and sensitivity in their communications.
12. What are the benefits to performing a physical examination on patients? How can you explain those benefits to patients when they ask? What is the difference between a complete physical and a focused physical?
13. What are the necessary steps to changing a sterile dressing? How would you explain these steps to a patient who was nervous about having her sterile dressing changed?
14. How would you demonstrate patient advocacy for someone that could not mentally or physically advocate for themselves? List several examples.
15. What are some things you can do build your professional network? How can building your brand help you to expand your professional network?