“First People.” documentary analysis

“First People.” documentary analysis

For this paper you need to takes notes about the documentary on “First People.” Then you need to decide what of the different areas you would like to research and write about. Then you need to make sure your thesis is clear so your paper can be focused. If your thesis is too broad, or too narrow of focus, it would be difficult to write a well-developed paper. The documentary was broadcast this past summer on PBS. In the documentary they show all of the most recent findings about human evolution. Updated information about the Neanderthals, the Denisovans, Homo naledi, and new information about 13,500 Homo sapiens who were discovered in Yucatan, in Mexico, suggesting that 23,000 years ago, people came across the bridge at the Bering Straits to populate the Americas. New information such as these demonstrates that “our” story is constantly changing. • A brief discussion to set up the writing assignment about one of these topics: o To understand the new findings on our evolution, filling in the gaps for anthropologists. o Using new information about Neanderthals and their Asian cousins the Denisovans. o Homo naledi were found in South Africa. Which traits were interesting to anthropologists and why? o A young woman’s skeleton was found in Yucatan. Her DNA shows that she lived 15,000 years ago, much earlier than thought by scientists. Assignment: • The paper must be between 3 pages, doubled-space. There must be a citation page in back of your 3 page essay. • No cover page on the paper. However, the paper must have a title. Your name and the class section must also be located in the top left hand corner, single-spaced. • The paper must have only 1-inch margins all around. • All pages should be numbered, on the right bottom. • Please make sure to properly cite the readings using MLA style within the paragraphs and on a citation page. Make sure to use quotation marks if you use another person’s words (word for word) and properly cite within the paragraph. Also make sure to cite it properly on the citation page. If you use the idea, then cite it in the paragraph and also on the citation page. • The paper should be in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and should be 3 pages, not 2 ¼ and not 4 or more pages. Again, no cover page is needed. The paper should be written in Microsoft word. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO72_fHeZ94&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUG2BqLwRxY&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hIyD1QlX9k&feature=youtu.be