Hamlet Dramatical Irony Chart and Critical Analysis

Hamlet Dramatical Irony Chart and Critical Analysis

Step 1) Download and complete the following “They thought . . . but” chart outlining several instances of dramatic irony from Hamlet by Shakespeare. (Link for chart: https://tcdsb.elearningontario.ca/content/enforced2/8835348-EL_ENG_ENG4U1-02_995185_Fall1617Sem1/ENG4UCU3/ENG4UCU03A04/docs/ENG4UCU3A04_They_Thought_But.rtf?_&d2lSessionVal=979FDUW80SbLKaQkDTuSb7gSF&ou=8835348 ) Step 2) After having completed the “They thought . . . but” chart, select three incidents of dramatic irony, then download and complete the following chart. Select two characters involved in each incident to complete the chart. (Link for Second Chart: https://tcdsb.elearningontario.ca/content/enforced2/8835348-EL_ENG_ENG4U1-02_995185_Fall1617Sem1/ENG4UCU3/ENG4UCU03A04/docs/ENG4UCU3A04_Chart_%20Dramatic_%20Irony.rtf?_&d2lSessionVal=979FDUW80SbLKaQkDTuSb7gSF&ou=8835348 ) Step 3) Select one example and use it to write a short, ONE PAGE, critical analysis of how the incident manipulates audience sympathies, develops character, and develops the conflict and/or theme of the play.