Has western society progressed in terms of the elephants: slavery, racism, revolution and counter-revolution?

Has western society progressed in terms of the elephants: slavery, racism, revolution and counter-revolution?

You should use primary sources related to my history class, I can give you everything. Essay Length: A minimum of seven to eight pages or 1700 to 2000 words—write to answer the questions and learn from what was studied. However, an “A” paper from my perspective includes everything that was read, discussed, or viewed in class. No more than 5 to 7 quotes. However, if your essay is more than seven pages feel free to include one or more quotes. Make sure you summarize or contextualize, in a brief sentence or two, each source that you are citing. Minus 100 points for every source not cited. If you cite from the same source more than once, you only need to summarize that source one time. Also, make sure you explain exactly how this quote relates to your topic of discussion—do not assume it is obvious. Support your perspective/position with concrete examples from the course texts, films, primary documents, lectures or additional research. Please erase all of the highlighted text before submitting your essay. Minus 200 points if it remains. Respond to the following prompt: Final Essay Primary Prompt: Has western society progressed in terms of the elephants: slavery, racism, revolution and counter-revolution? You have the option of addressing all four of the elephants or one, two or three of the elephants. In which case, the final essay prompt would be as follows: Has western society progressed in terms of the elephant(s): (And then list the elephant or elephants you are addressing)? Response: (Enter your response here and then erase this line. Minus 50 points for every line not erased.)