Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email?
1a) Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email? If so, please share this experience. Explain what type of message it was and what you did to get rid of it in 300 – 400 words and Provide references in APA format.
1b) Do internet research on any malware, virus or DOS attack. Summarize your findings in 3-4 paragraphs and be sure to include a link to your reference source. Explain this occurrence in your own words (do not just copy and paste what you find on the Internet).
Include the following information:
1. Name of the Malware or Virus
2. When this incident occurred (date)
3. Impact it had or explanation of the damage it caused
4. How it was detected
5. 3-4 paragraphs along with reference source citation in APA in about 500 words.
The difference between financial and managerial accounting with regulations/rules that need to be followed under either method. what types of accounting certification exist. In particular research the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certification. What is the difference between the two? Which one is more applicable to Managerial Accounting? Which one is more applicable to Financial Accounting?what about applying overhead costs to a job or batch? what is use process costing or job order costing ?what is activity based costing and management and Explain types of cost behavior ?
Based on above questions write down in overall, what we learnt and conclusion in 3-4 paragraphs about 300 to 400 words with refrences in APA format.