Health screening and history of an adolescent or young adult client

Health screening and history of an adolescent or young adult client

Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. You may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet. including: Biographical data Past health history Family history: Obstetrics history (if applicable) and well young adult behavioral health history screening Review of systems All components of the health history Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis) Rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis. A wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client, using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified. solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA