History of developmental disabilities

History of developmental disabilities

General Studies 420: Disability & Society

Spring 2019

Assignment #2

History of Disability

10 points

For this assignment you are required to write a paper exploring the history of developmental disabilities using the website:

Parallels in Time: A History of Developmental Disabilitieshttp://mn.gov/mnddc/parallels/index.html.

You must read these 3 topics/time periods:

  • The Ancient Era 1500 BC – 475 AD
  • The Middle Ages, Renaissance, & Reformation 475 AD – 1500 AD
  • 17th and 18th Centuries

Your written­ response should include the following entitled sections:

  1. The Ancient Era – minimum 250-word summary
  2. The Middle Ages, Renaissance, & Reformation – minimum 250-word summary
  3. 17th & 18th Centuries – minimum 250-word summary
  4. Personal Response – minimum 250-word response addressing what you learned and how you felt learning about the treatment and history of people with developmental disabilities
  5. How This Relates to GS 420 – minimum 250-word response addressing how the readings relate to the content of this course as covered so far

Each section is worth 2 points for a total of 10 points.

Formatting your paper:

  • Heading: Name (Last, First), Date,GS 420 Section # (1 or 2), RED ID
  • Times New Roman, Size 12 font
  • Double-Spaced
  • 1.0 Margins
  • Indent first sentence of each paragraph
  • Title for each section
  • Be sure to use appropriate, respectful language throughout your paper. Refer to Disability-Related Language Standards on Blackboard.

Failure to follow correct formatting instructions may result in points loss.