How are warfare and glory in battle depicted in “Utopia”? 

How are warfare and glory in battle depicted in “Utopia”? 

Need help answering two discussion question on the poem Utopia.


How are warfare and glory in battle depicted in “Utopia”?  When, why, and how do Utopians engage in war?  Why do they approach warfare in this manner?  How does this attitude toward war and warriors compare with that we’ve seen in other texts this term?  How does this attitude compare with the view of war and/or soldiers that you’ve grown up with?  What factors do you think influenced the development of More’s fictional Utopian perspective on war, and what influenced your own views?


There are slaves in the land of Utopia. Who are they? How did they become slaves? How are slaves treated by the Utopians? What activities are relegated to slaves and only slaves? Why do the Utopians treat different groups of slaves differently, and why are certain activities restricted to slaves?