HOW CAN AGRICULTURE MEET the food security demands of a growing global population in the face of a changing and increasingly stochastic (unpredictable) climate while minimizing negative environmental impacts?
Here’s the question you must address: HOW CAN AGRICULTURE MEET the food security demands of a growing global population in the face of a changing and increasingly stochastic (unpredictable) climate while minimizing negative environmental impacts? WHAT TYPE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION STRATEGIES AND/OR APPROACHES ARE LIKELY TO WORK BEST? To address this question in your paper, you must: 1. Read the assigned 4 reference articles (see below) and cite each paper in your essay. 2. Read and cite at least two additional peer-reviewed articles found on your own. 3. Based upon these readings, answer the question above by providing: a. A brief background on the subject b. Your arguments regarding the agricultural production system best suited to meet global food security and climate change demands c. Your thoughts on the potential policy implications of your conclusions 4. FORMAT: Your paper should meet the following specific formatting requirements: a. minimum of 1500 words (without title and subheadings) b. maximum of 5 double-spaced pages c. 1-inch margins, minimum font size of 12 d. Citation and bibliography follows the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Name- Year format ( Use these 4 Assigned Reference Articles I attached and two additional peer reviewed articles found on your own. A total of 6 articles should be referenced.