How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care?

How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care?

Topic 1: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care? Give an example of a study that has addressed coordination of care and has had documented success. Describe the study and its implications for care. Topic 2: The Nurse’s Role in the Accountable Care Act Discuss the advanced practice nurse’s role in the Affordable Care Act. How will health care improve, using advance practice nurses under the Affordable Care Act? at least 200 words with 3 different scholarly sources for each topic. Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text. Make certain that each source referenced appears in both places and that the text citation and reference list entry are identical in spelling of author names and year. APA format