How can the principles of bureaucracy help managers design the organizational hierarchy?
OrganizationalStructure: Read and answer Discussion Questions #4 and 5 on page143. Provide examples from your ownexperiences or research. Minimum 2pages, double spaced and in APA Format<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
Stakeholder goals and objectives can be achieved only whenorganizational skills and capabilities are controlled through organizationalstructure. The activities of organizational members would be chaotic without astructure that assigns people to roles and directs the activities of people andfunctions.40 This chapter has examined how organizations should design theirhierarchy of authority and choose control systems that create an effectiveorganizational structure. The shape of the hierarchy determines how decisionmaking takes place. It also determines how motivated people will be to pursueorganizational goals. Designing the hierarchy should be one of management’smajor tasks, but, as we have seen, it is a task that many organizations do notdo well or fail to consider at all. Chapter 5 has made the following mainpoints:
4. How can the principles of bureaucracy help managers designthe organizational hierarchy?
5. When does bureaucracy become a problem in an organization?What can man- agers do to prevent bureaucratic problems from arising?