How could an employer’s interviewing method help the company address the challenges of hiring during a boom when unemployment rates are near zero?
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management sixth edition Author: Noe | Hollenbeck | Gerhart |Wright
How Gild Aims to Create Golden Opportunities for Underappreciated Workers pg 194-195
1.) Review the criteria for a successful selection method: reliable, valid, generalizable, piratical and legal. Evaluate how Gild’s algorithm addresses or should address theses criteria
2.) Recommend how an employer could use interviews along with Gild’s scoring method to arrive at fair hiring decisions.
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management sixth edition Author: Noe | Hollenbeck | Gerhart | Wright
Hiring for an Oil Boom pg 195-196
1.) How could an employer’s interviewing method help the company address the challenges of hiring during a boom when unemployment rates are near zero?
2.) If you are advertising a North Dakota company about its selection process, would you advise it to relax its selection criteria during the oil boom? Why or why not?