How did the laws Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Hebrews differ?
History 101 Introduction to Western Civilization Journal Assignment Chapter 1 ONE-TWO PAGES Using the selections you have been given, discuss the rule of law and regulation of morality in these societies. How did the laws of each society differ? In what ways were they the same? What role did religion play in the codification of law in each society? Were all three societies concerned with living a good moral life? What values were most appreciated? General things to pay attention to in the readings for class discussion: 1) Pay special attention to the story of the flood in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Compare it to the story of Noah’s Ark in the Old Testament of the Bible. (We’ll discuss this in class.) 2) Read through the Code of Hammurabi. Do any of the laws seem strangely familiar to you? (A couple of them should!) 3) This chapter does a very good job of presenting representative passages from the Old Testament of the Bible in a way that will provide someone with little or no background in Judaism or Christianity the general outline of these scriptures, and the message they purport to convey. In other words, if you’re unfamiliar with the Bible, it will introduce you to those stories that are most famous in the Western cultural tradition. This is important not just for religious reasons, but because the stories are so often used as themes in Western art, literature, and culture.